Phone 207-625-4663 Fax 207-625-7635
Town of Hiram
Monday - Thurs 9 am - 3 pm
Thurs Evening 5:30 - 7 pm
Friday 9am to noon
2nd Saturday of the month
8am - 11am
Monday - Thurs 9 am - 3 pm
Thurs Evening 5:30 - 7 pm
Friday 9am to noon
2nd Saturday of the month
8am - 11am
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the office will be closed February 12-18. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
If you need the CEO Plumbing Inspector during this time please call
Appearing on this years ballot
Selectperson, Assessor & Overseer for a 3 year term
Running - Cory Hale - unopposed
MSAD 55 School Board Member for a 3 year term
The position will be filled by a write in.
If voting absentee please try and request your ballot on or before February 7th due to the office closure.
Meetings begin at 7pm
February 6th and 20th
March 6th and 20th
Please contact the office to be placed on the agenda
Our meeting are now recorded, you can listen
to the recordings, here.
Meetings begin at 7pm
Planning Boards meets as needed
FMI please contact Emma Ouellette
Our meetings are now recorded, once available you can view the recordings, here.
The Planning Board is looking for one full time member and two alternates, beginning in March, please contact town office if interested.
2024 Tax bills were mailed Friday July 19th
Interest began September 16th
Please call the office for the current amount due before mailing in a payment.
Card payments are accepted they do incur a 2.5% processing fee.
Our tax maps have been updated to a GIS platform. We hope that you find this information helpful. You can click on the link below and take a look at the new and improved mapping system. Please let us know if you find any irregularities.
Municipal Officers Meet the first and third Thursday each month meetings begin at 7 pm
at the office.
Unless posted above
Please call to be placed on the Agenda
Town Elections will be Feb 28th
Town Meeting will be March 1st
If you would like to be added to our email list please send your name and property address to We send out quarterly newsletters as well as other announcements as necessary .
A copy of the current newsletter is located below.
Our Next Holiday
Memorial Day
May 26th
The Town acquired the Mt Cutler property with the help of a Land & Water Conservation Fund Grant several years ago. There are about 5 miles of scenic trails and a parking lot off Hiram Hill Rd. Be sure and check it out!
Want to see what is
going on locally?
Take a look at this
page and see what the
Sacopee Valley area
has going on
The new stickers for 2024-2026 are available, (blue stickers).
You must supply the plate numbers for the vehicles you are requesting stickers for. Two stickers per household are issued at no cost, all additional stickers are $5 each
The orange stickers will be accepted throughout the summer months.
Please take a look around our site and let us know what you think
Email with suggestions
Contact Chief Norcross 207-256-1591
Sawmill Park 2024